During the first year, babies quickly change and I could’ve divided this post into several time periods. The meaning of those periods is very important to the photographer so they can plan out the positions and the props for the upcoming sessions. As for the parents, its more important for them, to include the daily schedule of the child and gather up their patience before the session.
Plan the photo shoot on the time when your baby’s fed and satisfied, isn’t tired yet and doesn’t want to sleep. Often, that’s the first half of the day. Don’t forget, that between sleeping and the photo shoot, 20-30 minutes of wakefulness should pass (the afternoon nap during a home photo session or a nap in the car an on the road photo session). After waking up, the newborn may be confused by the new place or the unknown, new people.
Take a couple of your baby’s favourite toys, hygiene resources, some water and a snack.
Gather up your patience, it’s almost impossible to negotiate with babies who are younger than a year, I mean, they can’t even talk yet. If a newborn doesn’t want to have their pictures taken, then the parents’s positive attitude would help a lot. During the session, if the baby is tired, we take small breaks for feeding, changing and just some time to relax.
Try not to make much noise during the photo shoot, because that might scare the baby and distract the photographer. The common mistake that parents make in this situation is, if the baby starts crying the parents start making noise from different directions to distract them. When the mom and dad start to call for the newborn from different directions, it might disorient him.
A good decision is when one parent could catch the attention of the child from the photographers back. In that situation it’s easier for me to capture a smile and the baby’s eyes in the direction of the camera. For the very little ones, a bright, colourful toy is a good way to catch an infant’s attention.
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